Author Archives: Bubba


in Family News

Week 4 Done, 6 More to Go

Well, last night’s class went very well. It was emotional and lessons learned were about how a child will feel when they are taken from their family. It was and will be tough, our prayer...

May 15, 2007
in Family News

Okay It Has Been Too Long

Hey everybody, yes, I know it has been a while since I have posted. But I have been busy so please forgive me. We are heading into week 3 of our foster parenting classes. We...

May 07, 2007
in Family News

We Are In and Settled

Hello everyone. It has been a busy couple of weeks. We are settled in the new house. Email me at tracey@hines57.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view...

March 06, 2007
in Family News

Luke Comes Home Today!!!

Whooo! Baby Luke (and his momma) gets to come home today. Right now, we have Daniel visiting with us. Yesterday Jayne was able to play with him and today he can play with Sam, Beth...

January 28, 2007
in Family News

Luke Emmett Hines is HERE!!!

Well, in typical, efficient Mary Ann Style, Luke Emmett Hines is here. Born this morning at about 8:15. She went into labor last night about 1:00 am. Of course, neither Rob nor I had our...

January 27, 2007
in Family News

Report Cards and Spelling Bees

Hello Everybody! Well we have just received our first report cards for being in North Carolina and it is a wonderful day in the Hines house. Sam and Beth both received all A’s and 1...

January 26, 2007
in Family News

Mid January Review

Well, it is mid January and the house is coming along at a very quick rate. The girls and I went by and visited today. We have a driveway, we have a walkway, a tree...

January 20, 2007
in Family News

Beth’s Skate Party

Wow, what a DAY! We had a great time at Kate’s Skate Park for Beth’s party. We invited 48 people and had about 15 show up. Beth and all her friends had a blast and...

January 14, 2007
in Family News

Rob’s Last Day of 35

Well, tomorrow is Rob’s 36th birthday. He wants Peace and Quiet, Samantha has declared a day of silence for her Dad’s birthday. We will see how that lasts. He got a new gaming keyboard and...

January 07, 2007
in Family News

Beth’s Birthday

Just so you don’t think we overlooked her, Beth had a friend sleep over last night for her first part of her birthday and then NEXT Saturday, she is having a rollerskating party. We are...

January 07, 2007