Author Archives: Bubba


Love Jesus
in Sermons

Love Jesus

Last Sunday we saw that this was answered through adoption and intimacy with the Trinity. These gifts, adoption & intimacy, are primarily about what God is doing in reaching his people. We are given these...

September 18, 2016
in Sermons, Theology, Uncategorized

Adoption is at the heart of the Gospel and John 14 shows us how adoption and intimacy are key to our lives in Christ.

September 12, 2016
A New Season
in Family News

A New Season

Today, we were prayed out of Exodus. It was a bitter-sweet experience. Next Sunday, having completed the new members class, we formally join Crossfire after three months of attendance and prayer. Exodus blessed us going...

August 21, 2016
King David's Gospel
in Christian Articles, Theology

King David’s Gospel

We note here that David did not necessarily know how God delivers from sin. Easter hadn’t yet happened, Christ was a future prophecy and not a historical reality for David. Yet David did not let...

July 25, 2016
Honor Your Parents
in Christian Articles, Theology

Honor Your Parents

Regardless of how undeserving one might believe their parents are, they can never match how undeserving Christs parents actually were. If we identify ourselves as Christians, disciples of Christ, and our goal is to be...

July 18, 2016
A Closer Walk
in Uncategorized

A Closer Walk

Oh, let me be a man who walks with God! Let us be a people who draws near to a God who is pleased by our faith that believes he exists and rewards those who...

July 14, 2016