Apr 2011
If you aren’t interesting in porting C\C++ code to VS2010, nor are you interested in Image Processing Servers; you probably want to stop reading right about ….. here. For the rest of you, this is a rough documentation of what I have done to get IIP to compile under Windows 7 Ultimate (x64) using Visual Studio 2010 (version 10.0.30319.1). There are my notes for getting it to compile, there are still a few issues, but it compiles and it runs under Apache on Windows. Even though this is a x64 OS, we......
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Mar 2011
The Assignment Dear Parents, As part of our community unit, we will be having Job Day in our class on Thursday, March 10th. Please have your child discuss with you what she would like to be when she grows up. On Thursday, she may bring or wear the clothes/uniform for that job. Please help her find the tools, clothing and other items a person with that job would use to bring in and share with the class. Each child will present their job and tell what tools/materials that are used in that......
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Mar 2011
Our teacher asked us what our favorite animal was, and I said, “Fried chicken.” She said I wasn’t funny, but she couldn’t have been right because everyone else in the class laughed. My parents told me to always be truthful and honest, and I am. Fried chicken is my favorite animal. I told my dad what happened, and he said my teacher was probably a member of PETA. He said they love animals very much. I do, too. Especially chicken, pork and beef. Anyway, my teacher sent me to the principal’s......
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Mar 2011
As a youth, we attended a church that had a large focus on college students. If you moved to town, and began attending our church in the summer, you would find a small community of a few hundred gathered regularly and living life together. However, the moment students began to arrive at Mississippi State University for the fall semester the church would begin to burst at the seams and the congregation became numbered much closer to the thousands, with the median age being around twenty. It turns out that back in the......
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Apr 2010

I am fully aware that America (and the world in general) has determined that Tobacco, in all forms, is an evil, insidious, disease ridden addiction that is likely the root cause of all the problems we have today; and that if we do not create laws that forcibly prevents people from growing it and/or engaging in the use of it we will only destine ourselves to greater evils still. But, I reckon I’m well on the other side of peer pressure, and I’m just not that concerned with what America (and the......
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Mar 2010
Mar 2010
Reckon it is about that time of the year again, and we are down right excited to be kicking off the Crawfish Boil this spring! WHEN: 20 March 2010 – 3:00pm Eastern Time WHERE: Bubba’s House WHY: Seriously? I mean really? WHAT CAN I BRING: A chair, if ye don’t want to sit on the ground. Ye favorite drink, if ye don’t like water or tea. Something else to share, if yer that type of person. (Cigars for the Chef’s will never be turned down!) HOW: We need ya to RSVP by......
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Feb 2010
A few weeks back, someone made a comment a comment about desiring to see some pictures of Tracey and I back in the day. It turns out that only a few days later, yet another person made the same comment, and then another. I’m sure that there is some sort of internet conspiracy thing going on. However, today my mother-in-law showed up for a visit, and brought with her a number of just those photos. As we sat around the table, it dawned on me that this was precisely the sort of......
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Feb 2010
Scalable Web Architecture, Processes, and Organizations for the Modern Enterprise I recently received my copy of the book, and the kids think it is utterly awesome to find my name on the copyright page as a Technical Reviewer. For what it is worth, I think it is pretty cool tool! I spent a lot of my free time last summer reviewing the roughly 550 page draft on a chapter by chapter basis, and ultimately I feel like I helped Mr. Abbot and Fisher deliver a relatively solid treaty on the subject matter.......
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Feb 2010
As many of you are aware, we don’t have any sort of Cable, Satellite, or Public Broadcast Television in the house. We do have an XBox 360, hooked up to an Epson MovieMate 50 Projector, pointed at a wall in the living room, which gives us about a ten foot wide viewing high definition surface to play video games on, watch DVD’s, and even stream shows from Netflix, my desktop Media Center, and other Microsoft affiliates. We also make great use of HULU and EZTV; and typically watch those shows on individual......
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