Oct 2017

If you are inclined to be contentious, we have no such practice, neither does the Apostle Paul nor do the churches of God....
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Oct 2017

No protestant body accepted contraception until 1930, when the Anglican bishops, meeting at their Lambeth Conference of that year, overturned all previous Lambeth pronouncements to make a narrow exception to the historic Christian teaching, allowing married couples - for "extraordinary reasons" - to practice birth control. Five hundred years earlier, the Protestant Reformers to a man thundered against all forms of birth control in words more vehement than any pope's. The early Reformers, with no exceptions, were staunchly anti-birth control. A partial list of Reformation figures and their followers who led the......
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Sep 2017
Sep 2017

An Open Letter To My Children: Scripture clearly teaches that borrowing money automatically creates a slave/master relationship. (Deut 15:6; Deut 28:12-14; Deut 28:43-44; Ne 5:2-5; Proverbs 22:26-27; Proverbs 6:1-5, Matthew 18:21-35; Proverbs 22:7) God rewards His people by delivering them from slavery, granting them stewardship, making them lenders and rulers. (Deut 8:18; Matthew 13:12; Matthew 25:14-30; Luke 16:11; Genesis 39:4-6; Luke 19:11-27, Deut 28:12, Deut 15:6-8; Jer 30:3) God punishes His people by selling them into slavery. (Judges 2:14; Judges 3:8–10; Psalm 44:12; Jeremiah 15:13-14) God describes the righteous and just man......
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Sep 2017

For a long time, we did not put much thought into keeping the Sabbath. We lazily assumed that if we went to church on Sunday we had done our duty to the third, or fourth depending on how you count, commandment (Exodus 20, Deuteronomy 5). If we spent any more effort than that, we would chalk it up to our Christian liberty freeing us from the bondage of physical Sabbath observance (Romans 14:5). However, over time, we became convinced that we needed to invest time and energy on the topic, and be......
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Sep 2017

Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, feed the hungry, and bring the homeless poor into your house. Exercise no restraint, but pour yourself out for the hungry and satisfy the desire of the afflicted that your light might shine.
When you see the choice, one opportunity to glorify God without risking your life and another opportunity to glorify God by risking your life, choose the option with the greater risk because you are surrounded by those who will serve by taking the less risky option.
Stand firm in the faith,......
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Aug 2016

In a culture that tends to view corporate worship as something adults do while children are regulated to age appropriate activities, it is often good to remind myself of a few of the reasons I have for worshiping with my children corporately....
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Aug 2016

There is a facetious saying, "The prison is full of innocent men." I do believe the same dark humor can be applied to hell....
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Jul 2016

Sometimes I find it useful to just read and remember God's providence in my life. This list helps me do that.
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Jul 2016

We note here that David did not necessarily know how God delivers from sin. Easter hadn’t yet happened, Christ was a future prophecy and not a historical reality for David. Yet David did not let himself get tripped up on the how, he was satisfied with the what, that God is a God of salvation who delivers sinners from hell.
We stand on the other side of the Cross and have the rest of the Old Testament as well as the New Testament to understand how God delivers from sin. Knowing that Christ......
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