Jul 2011

1 Corinthians 2:13 1 Peter 1:10 1 Peter 1:25 1 Thessalonians 2:13 1 Timothy 4:15 2 Peter 1:19-21 2 Timothy 3:15 Acts 3:24 Acts 10:43 Acts 13:27 Acts 17:2 Acts 17:11 Amos 3:7 Colossians 3:16 Deuteronomy 4:1-10 Deuteronomy 6:6 Deuteronomy 8:3 Deuteronomy 11:18 Deuteronomy 17:18-20 Deuteronomy 29:29 Deuteronomy 31:11 Exodus 24:3 Isaiah 8:20 Isaiah 34:16 Isaiah 40:8 James 1:21-25 Jeremiah 8:9 Job 23:12 John 5:39 John 5:37-47 Joshua 1:8 Luke 4:4 Luke 10:25 Luke 16:27-31 Luke 24:25-27 Luke 24:45 Matthew 4:4 Matthew 5:17-20 Matthew 22:29 Proverbs 2:1-9 Proverbs 6:23 Proverbs 23:12 Psalms......
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Jul 2011

What is Prayer? Wayne Grudem says that “Prayer may be defined as follows: Prayer is personal communication with God”. Now that is a mighty wide definition. Especially considering the various types of prayers that we can include; under the heading of “prayer” we have prayers of: Adoration Confession Intercession (asking something for others) Petition (asking something for ourselves) Praise Thanksgiving Prayer is one of, if not the, most important activities of our Christian life. It is a conversation with God – a conversation in which the entire Trinity (God the Father, God......
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Jun 2011

Once you know what God says and how to put it into practice – you will be equipped for every circumstance in life!...
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Jun 2011

There is an infamous sculpture by Bobbie Carly entitled “Self Made Man” which depicts the upper torso of a man who is chiseling himself out of stone. It captures and communicates with great clarity the western concept that we are who we make ourselves to be and celebrates those who claim to have “made something of themselves.” However, this fails to capture or communicate the biblical truth. It is not our works that empowers our salvation; it is our salvation that empowers our works. We see Ephesians 2:8-10 English Standard Version......
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May 2011

The doctrine of Scripture is of the utmost importance to those who pursue Christ. It is by means of the written Word (preached and read) that God reveals salvation to us and then causes us to mature in the grace that it is in the Incarnate Word of God, Christ Jesus. If the written Word of God lacks authority, so must the Incarnate Word of God. If the written Word of God is riddled with errors, God is untrustworthy. If only Bible Scholars can comprehend Scripture, who would be saved? If the......
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May 2011

A study of Ruth clearly demonstrates how “God moves in mysterious ways, His wonders to perform”. We might imagine that our main characters never sat around thinking, “God is preparing me to be an Ancestor in the Royal Line of Judah!” More likely they were caught up, as we tend to be, in what they perceived as a difficult, ordinary life. Only after they have played their parts well, can they look back and see how God was working alongside them all along. The story of Naomi, Ruth, and Boaz provides a......
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May 2011

In Season 8, Episode 1 of NCIS, Franks mentions the Unspoken Rule to Jethro, “You do what you have to do for family.” Fortunately, for Ruth and Naomi, this was not an “Unspoken Rule” but part of the Levitical Law. Leviticus 25:47-55, English Standard Version details this aspect of the law and Deuteronomy 25:5-6, ESV clarify the specifics of what a kinsman redeemer is responsible for in the case of a widow with no sons, also referred to as Levirate Marriage. There are four specific guidelines associated with assuming the role......
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Mar 2011
As a youth, we attended a church that had a large focus on college students. If you moved to town, and began attending our church in the summer, you would find a small community of a few hundred gathered regularly and living life together. However, the moment students began to arrive at Mississippi State University for the fall semester the church would begin to burst at the seams and the congregation became numbered much closer to the thousands, with the median age being around twenty. It turns out that back in the......
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Dec 2010

We have had an ongoing conversation on the topic of Real Men™ and most of that conversation has taken place offline. Around a fire, on the back porch, standing around the patio, over cigars, or even over a glass of scotch (Tommy had rum). Tommy took the conversation online with his post (Manly?) and there are certainly some good conversation happening in the comments there. Take a minute and go read it if you haven’t. For those that are new to the topic, the essential question is “How do you explain to......
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Feb 2010

Songs, fellowship, big dinners, sweet words, beautiful liturgies, the holiday season was upon us! What joy, what merriment, entire towns were dressed up to reflect the pervasive spirit of celebration. Hot chocolate, fresh baked cookies, warm fireplaces, warmer friendships, praise the Lord for our ability to celebrate Him so. In reflecting on our celebration, let us look at the gift of salvation and remember what made that celebration so sweet; and perhaps be encouraged to deliver the gift to others this year. It seems simple enough to say, “Christ died for our......
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