Dec 2021
Writers of term papers are supplied with different advantages in using professional term paper writing services. This article explains the benefits they provide. It also gives an idea of the things they...
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Sep 2017

Is it strange that these men live in palaces, as princes? They probably had a chauffeur and an expensive ride to the event. How could they believe their show of solidarity on the issue would help one person or even scratch the surface of social injustice? I mean, they disrespect the very country that provided them with an education, training, jobs, and the very trappings of social royalty that they are trying to leverage. They are not real activists, are they?...
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Sep 2016

Adoption is at the heart of the Gospel and John 14 shows us how adoption and intimacy are key to our lives in Christ....
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Jul 2016

Oh, let me be a man who walks with God! Let us be a people who draws near to a God who is pleased by our faith that believes he exists and rewards those who seek him. Then let us be like these heroes of the faith in Hebrews, living lives that others might look at and say, “That. That is a life of faith and walking with God that I want. I’m going to imitate that.”...
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Jul 2016

We can also recognize variety in human nature, without labeling anything inferior or superior. In this view, because women generally focus on relationships more than abstract rational analysis, enmeshment in relationships could compromise a woman's willingness to uproot heresy in the church...
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Mar 2010
That’s the question that everyone keeps asking me these days. For those who may visit this post at a later date, I recently resigned from a global bank based in America in order to take a role at a small web development shop, Signature Tech Studio. The answer to why is relatively simple, I love the guys at Signature Tech Studio, I desire to work with them, and I ultimately believe the experience will be both more fun and more rewarding than continuing in a role that, admittedly, is already fun and......
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Jan 2010
Last week I posted Approach to Doctrinal Triage – Part 1 and that generated some exceedingly good conversations with a number of people. There were some excellent questions asked that I had not properly addressed, and I so I updated the post to address these questions. Here’s a quick list of things added/changed: New Section Why are We Talking About It? – I added this section because a number of people asked why. Removed Priorities Hierarchical Diagram – The Venn Diagram communicates far more. Added Priorities Venn Diagram – Further clarification, I......
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Jan 2010
Our scripture today is meant to help us scrutinize our own lives and discern the degree to which we conform to Christ’s example and standard. Before we go into the text, I admonish you to resist the significant temptation to skip over applying this text to yourself and immediately begin judging others by the standard it sets. That act, in and of itself is counter to what we are teaching here. So then, what is it that we are teaching here? What is the point of our review of these twelve verses?......
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Jan 2010
Pressing Toward the Prize in Christ Jesus Contending or Contentious? Beloved, I was eager to preach to you today regarding our common salvation; however I find it necessary to appeal to you to contend for the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints. Now, you might rightly ask, why? Why is it necessary to appeal to me to contend for the faith? Am I not a child of God? Haven’t I faith? What is to be contended for? What is this contention that you would encourage me to participate......
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Aug 2009
Most of you will be familiar with my rural upbringing, redneck ways, and generally unsophisticated approach to life. So you should also appreciate that when I first moved to Chicago and took a management position with UBS Warburg that I was really out of my element. My peers were primarily white middle to upper class Chicago Suburbanites with a good college education and an appreciation for finer things in life; while I had barely stayed awake long enough to graduate from a Mississippi Public High School, served a few years in the......
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